
Please feel free to email me with any questions/ comments/ ideas that you may have @



Get Healthy, Get Fit

I have started a new adventure.

"Get Healthy, Get Fit"

I hope/plan to have MUCH success after this long, grueling, fun, rewarding, frustrating, life-changing, mess-of-a-journey.

Want to take this challenge with me?

Here's what you do...
Check my blog weekly for workouts, meal plans, exercise tips, recipes, and lots more!

I plan to share my story with you..

Awhile back, Dale and I completed a round of P90x, I was in love with how I looked and felt...but I fell off the wagon. It's time to get back on and not only get "hot" again, but to change my life in a way that I can claim as a new lifestyle.

My starting weight is 142 lbs.  It's not so much about the weight loss for me as it is the toning and getting healthy. I feel soooo much better when I am healthy.

So, I took some "before" pictures, which I will share once I get to put my "after" picture right next to it.


So, yesterday consisted of this: (Example)

Morning Workout:
25 Jumping Jacks
25 Squats
20 Calf Raises
10 Push-ups

Evening Workout:
100 Jumping Jacks
50 Crunches
10 Tricep Dips
25 Squats
20 Calf Raises
10 Plank (Up/Down)
25 Lunges
10 Burpees
Run: 1 Mile

Let me start with the morning workout....I designed these (with help from several different fitness websites) to last about 5 minutes or as long as it take for your coffee to brew (as I heard someone else describe it).

You wake up, pee (obviously), and push "on" on that coffee pot and get to work.... It definitely helps wake your body up and you feel awake and ready to go in just five minutes. It's worth the waking up the extra 5-10 minutes early.

Now, as for the evening workout, it's pretty self-explanitory, right?

As for the running one mile, if you cannot run or jog, WALK. You don't have to take off in a full spring the first day. Yesterday, I walked, not because I cannot run or jog, but because I walked with my mom...We walked and talked and made a mile before we knew it....

Now, if running, jogging, or walking is YOUR thing, tack on another mile or so.... The reason I only have one mile is because I plan to do TWO miles two days a week (I do these on my lunch break on Tuesday & Thursday) and one mile the other days. It's all about balance...that's what fits my lifestyle.

Here's what I ate yesterday:
Coffee (ONE cup)
1- Slice Wheat Toast w/ Peanut Butter

2-Soft Wheat Tacos (from my faveeeee mexi restaurant)

1-Tuna Filet (I pan fry in olive oil)
1/2 cup smothered red potatoes.

AND...LOTS AND LOTS OF WATER...64 oz. a day. I pee, ALOT, so it is really a challenge to drink that much water, but I will telll you this...IT HELPS. So, quit bitching and do it.

I highly suggest a LOW carb diet to start with...especially, if you want to see results.

I will say this...I am no fitness instructor or nutritionist. I am just a mom who struggles.... so, these are just MY tips and advice...nothing medical or anything of the sort.

Take it, appreicate it, use it.


Workouts and meal plans coming soon! Keep checking back!

Any questions or comments, email me:

Share your story with me, let me know you are taking this journey with me, whatever you want.

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