
Please feel free to email me with any questions/ comments/ ideas that you may have @




This morning's weight: 144lbs.
I lost a POUND. A single pound. I am hoping to lost 1-2 more by week's end.

Oh....Happy Tuesday! I won't be starting the new blog schedule until next week, so I am just updating away this week!

I don't know about you guys, but I hate to eat breakfast. Maybe it's because I know I HAVE to eat breakfast (or I should rather)...but it just makes me turn up my nose. I hate it. And...yes, I know hate is a strong word.

I eat oatmeal most days. Sugar-free Apples & Cinnamon with ONE splenda. I make mine with water and microwave it. It's easy, quick, and it seems to be the only thing I can make myself eat in the morning.

Here's what my breakfast looked like this morning:

I just finished...and I wanted to complain bitch about it...So, I am updating my blog... I mean, that IS the reason I have this talk about myself, my son, my life, anything about ME.


Now, my next daily obstacle...WATER.

I usually stop and get a BIG smart water in the morning on my way to work. I drink that plus one regular sized bottle of water throughout the day...That's more than half of the daily intake I force myself to drink.
Then, when I get home and workout/run/whatever I do that specific day, I drink the rest of the required amount with no problems. So, it's getting better. SLOWLY.

Isn't it funny how EASY it is to GAIN weight BUT losing it is just a....bitch?!

I bought a swimsuit last night. Random, I know.
I didn't try it on, I just bought it. One, because I knew if I tried it on, I would talk myself out of it. And, two....because it is FRICKIN' cute and it was only $20! Hello, STEAL. I am such a little bargain shopper.

I got home, put it on....and well, let's just say, I took my OFFICIAL before pictures.BLAH!
Goal-- try it on again at the end of each month and take progress pictures. Don't worry, I will post some before/progress pictures SOON enough. I have to take some of myself... NOT in a swimsuit. I will also be posting measurements. I just have to get off my lazy ass and actually do that. Plus, I have an adorable pair of white shorts hanging in my bedroom. That's visual motivation.

I've been considering getting a treadmill. I love, love, LOVE to run outside. That's why I don't have a gym membership. BUT....on rainy, nasty days, I usually skip a workout. I cannot afford to go run in the rain and get sick...and miss work, and be an asshole mom who just wants to lay on the couch because I am sick ....So, I think a treadmill would be a good investment for me. I priced some and I found one at Academy for $279... not too bad, I guess. Maybe I will shoot to buy that in a few months. For now, I will run, run, run, OUTSIDE daily.

Let's talk SOUP.

I love soup. When I say, LOVE, I mean...I adore it. I could eat it every single day of my life. We all know that isn't the smartest thing to do, right?

Wellllllll, I am going to be researching some HEALTHY versions of my favorites. Those will be posted here! Check back for those on Foodie Friday's.

Canyon told me the other day that I am beautiful. It really made me stop and think...and take a good, long look at myself in the mirror. I constantly find all my faults and I never give myself enough credit.

I am a beautiful woman. Every woman is BEAUTIFUL.

We don't give ourselves enough credit ladies. Think about how your children or your spouse, see you. I know my son sees me as a strong, beautiful woman who laughs A LOT and loves him more than anything in the whole world. He knows that because that is what I portray to him.

I need to allow myself to be happier in my own skin. I am far from perfect. I never want to be perfect. Perfect is boring. I just want to be confident. I'm getting there. This whole fitness/health journey is helping me.

If you ever feel like you are just NOT enough, remember, you ARE enough. You are gorgeous.
And, when you need motivation, here's my GO-TO quote. I look at this about 100 times a day...It gives me strength. It gives me hope. And, it makes me feel empowered.

This makes me want to go home and RUN my little heart out.
Maybe I will do just that tonight.

Let's go, ladies. We got this!


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