
Please feel free to email me with any questions/ comments/ ideas that you may have @



Monday? Already?

Well, my weekend did not consist of much downtime. That's for SURE. I was expecting a quiet weekend with lots of cooking and TV watching. Not so much. I guess that's the part of life that changes the most when you become a parent. NO TIME FOR ANYTHING. HA! I wouldn't change it though. Canyon makes everything worth it.

I was home with my sick kiddo on Friday. I did some work from home, but I mostly played doctor. Checking Canyon's temperature, getting him tissues, and keeping his juice cup filled--yeah, those were the highlight of my day.

Saturday morning, soccer game. My son scored ONCE this Saturday in his game. We got our butts kicked--even though we don't really keep score. Thank goodness he has no idea if his team wins or loses, because my kid HATES to lose. I'm working teaching him that it's okay to lose sometimes and you have to be a good sport.

Then, I went to my mom's. I love going to my mom's. We talk about everything under the sun. It's a precious moment that I hope to share with my daughter (if I have one) one day. There will be a DEAR MOM coming soon. Grab your tissues!!!

I achieved something amazing on Saturday. I actually BOOKED my venue for my wedding. This is HUGE.

Yep! That's right. In June 2012, I will be a MARRIED woman. Strange to think about, but my life won't change all that much. I guess after six years, you are basically married anyway. Right?

So, lots of wedding plans being made. I have all of my ideas on {pinterest}. I couldn't be more excited about marrying my best friend. We have had our share of ups and downs over the years, but we are finally ending up RIGHT where we should be. I couldn't ask for a better man to be my husband.

**Vintage-Country. Should be a wedding to remember. :)

Good news, I got some PJ's coffee in the mail...

WOW! More to come on Wednesday!

F-O-U-R more days until OCTOBER. :)

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