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Soccer mom? Who? ME!

SORRY! It's been TOO long. Life has been WILD and crazy with the little family recently....

Yep! That's right. I signed Canyon up for Soccer. He has been asking for several months if he could play, and I told myself that if he continued to ask (without anyone bringing it up) that I would let him. So, here goes nothing.

Let me first say that Dale nor I know ANYTHING about soccer...except that you kick the ball, run around, and try to score. Hmm...

At first, Canyon wanted to be the goalie. Then, we explained to him that you cannot run around and kick the ball if you play that position. So, now he wants to S-C-O-R-E. A lot. Hmmm....again.

I have a feeling this can go either way; really bad....or really good. Let's hope for "really good."

YES! This absolutely means I will be taking him to buy his cleats soon and get a little SOCCER magnet for my car with his name and number. Some of you might think that's silly since he is only FOUR. But, my child is starting his FIRST ever sport...Silly is the least of my worries.

I cannot wait until baseball starts...(that's his real talent). He is such a little atheletic child that I will let him play ALMOST anything...If he wants.

Let the games begin..

On another note.....Dale and I have been struggling with how to explain things to Canyon. He is in that middle-stage...Where he isn't old enought to fully understand everything, but most things...he does.

If you tell him something he doesn't understand, he has questions--which is what we are afraid of.

We are trying to figure out how to explain death....We had a family memeber, that Canyon loves dearly, pass recently. He didn't attend the memorial services as Dale and I thought that would be for the best. BUT, we have no idea what to tell him about the whole situation...Time for more research..... :(

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